Ice Cream Social Birthday Party
Ice Cream Social Birthday Party
There is not a more delicious theme out there than an Ice Cream Social Birthday party theme. It is a perfect theme for those warm summer birthday months. Everyone can get behind an awesome ice cream party – especially adults. Here is how you can pull off this scrumptious birthday theme:
Ice cream bar please. This is probably the most important part of your ice cream social birthday party. An awesome ice cream bar is a must. Have multiple flavors of ice cream such as strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Multiple toppings for your guests to choose and sprinkles definitely should be on the ice cream bar list. Have some root beer so that it is available for people who want to make root beer floats.
Cute bowls and color spoons help add to the perfect the ice cream social party atmosphere.
Looking for the perfect outfit? You can’t go wrong with our delicate lace leggings, and over the top tulle filled tutus! Add a dazzling pink & aqua tutu romper to complete the look. Another adorable outfit to check out is our Southern Belle Pink plaid swing dress set. It is perfect for any type of social event – including an ice cream social event!
Ice cream inspired cupcakes. Did you know you can bake cupcakes right out of an ice cream cone? These are awesome cupcakes because not only are they cupcakes but they look like ice cream in a cone! Perfect for an ice cream birthday party! There are so many different ways to make this delicious dessert look amazing. It’s perfect dessert to have your little one blow their birthday candles on.
Yummy décor. Decorating for an ice cream social party is a lot of fun. For cute décor take a bunch of white carnations and put them in a cone shaped vase. Add a red ball or a small red carnation to make it look like a cherry on top. It’s a floral display to look like an ice cream cone. Make ice cream shape garland to decorate your party with or use sprinkles as a way to mod podge a large number of the age they are turning.