Super Hero Birthday Party
The super hero theme is a perfect birthday theme – especially for a 1st birthday. There is something very special about SUPER HERO'S. While we all would love super hero powers the common theme in all super heroes is that they always come to help others. If you are looking to host a super hero party, here are a few things to make sure you have for your party.
Capes and masks. It wouldn’t be a SUPER HERO party without some capes and masks readily available. While you can supply them some awesome super hero dress up costumes you can also encourage your guests to bring their own.
- Action figures. Pick up a few super hero action figures. Not only are they fun to play with after they also make awesome party décor.
Pow! Ka-Boom! Need some more décor ideas? Put these awesome sayings around your party venue. They are a throwback to the older super hero comics and shows.
Themed Treats. An awesome idea is to name some of your party treats after famous superheroes. Chicken wings can be BATMAN Wings. Green rock candy can be Super Mans Kryptonite.