Article: Tips for Planning the Perfect Kids Birthday Party

Tips for Planning the Perfect Kids Birthday Party
It’s crazy how much we want to make things absolutely perfect for our children’s birthday. It is the day that our life was turned upside down when they entered this world. My fondest memories are of my own birthdays and how my parents always went out of their way to make it special. I strive to do the same for my children. Here are some tips for planning the perfect birthday party for your little one:
Themes are important. When you finally decide on a theme, the rest just comes together so nicely and easily. Themes are a great way to make your party look cohesive. It also sets the tone for a great party. When you have a theme in mind, you can start to generate awesome ideas for decorations, what kind of cake to serve and it also gives your guests an idea of what your kid would like for a present. If you have a unicorn theme party, you will be sure to get a lot of unicorn-like gifts!
Not sure on a theme? Ruffles & Bowties has an array of colors and themes ready for you to explore! Check out these must have themes HERE
Keep it short and sweet. Kids have a very limited attention spam so its best to keep it short and sweet. It helps ensure that you end the party on a high note. When parties go too long, children and even the parents get restless. Two hours is the perfect amount of time for a party for young children. This is enough time to do a quick fun entertainment or activity and then cake and presents.
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Choosing the perfect venue. Picking a place to host your birthday party can be difficult. Here are some things to consider. If you choose to rent a venue to host your birthday party, this can become costly. But you don’t have to worry about cleaning your house or the party afterward, there may be entertainment already provided at the venue as well as helpers to help with setting up and tending to your guests. If you want to host your party in your home, you want to make sure that your home is big enough to accommodate all your guests. It is also nice to have it at home if you are throwing a birthday party for a little one because keeping it in a place that they know well helps keep them calm. Another bonus is if they are fussy for a nap, their crib is close by. Plus you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything because you are already at home!
& Don't forget the perfect party checklist!